If technology is turning your world upside down, then consider the world of naval warfare during the Civil War.
Innovation was the order of the day in both North and South as both sides rushed to build their respective navies. Over the four years of the Civil War, ships went from sail power to steam, from wooden hulls to iron, from solid shot weapons to shell. The navies had to design special vessels for the winding rivers of the West and for the swampy coastal waterways. They needed crews to use (and repair) the new technologies and they needed leaders who were risk-takers. This program examines leaders who learned to work successfully in an environment of drastic change. Using case studies, the program offers five leaders who broke away from traditional ways of working. They came from a wide variety of backgrounds, with different education and talents, and a wide range of age and experience. Yet they were all risk-takers and innovators. They were men of vision and flexibility. |
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